TENDER 𓇢𓆸 writing came writing went  ༘⋆✿writing took a nap ⋆。゚☁︎☾ ⋆
& i took some notes ✏︎ᝰ

Writing only comes if I lived it.
Had a rush of words,
catch me so effortlesley.
Pushed on my tongue
when I felt like my voice wasn’t enough.
And if I’m sitting on my emotions,
contemplating a thought.
Well,  you would have this dizzy-dazey,
broken but stitched together
of a mess I call writing.

Adored ✺

My body is being
discovered again,

by kisses and touches
that are meant,
just, for, me.

I too, have felt
dissociated from my limbs,

only noticing their presence

through pain, cuts, piercings,
bruises, scrapes, and tattoos.

Not the sweet bites of my lips,
Teasing with flirtation,
charmed, with no expectations.
Not the supple curves of my chest,

nor the soft underlines of my breasts.
Not the plumpness in my hips,

nor the stretch marks on my thighs.

being feminine never felt natural.

My back heavy from the
weight of my ancestors,

my muscles, strong from my days.

But here I am, adored,

loved, not only by myself,

but by another,
who knows
how to
cherish my body.

-So kiss me, and I will nuture myself. (2022)

My ears perk ☄︎

from the the buzz of the city,
The neighbours rooster cracks at 6 AM.

I don’t need to wake up to
clocks who tick,
For my body knows when
the sun starts here.

I’m welcomed by a sister
and her mother on the street side.

Where I’m greeted with breakfast,
iced coffee, and their sweet smiles.
I’ve been here for a while now,
skin kissed by the warmth of the sun.

I hold my voice well, it dances
playfully of banter with the uncles
selling todays lottery tickets.

I flow through traffic on my vespa
without a phone or directions;
I’ve remembered my way round
these chaotic up beat streets,
know my place in a sea of
endless honking.

And after a long bustling day of work.
I sit back with friends as we
drink ourselves rowdy
at the smallest alley way
in Vietnam.


We cheers to us,
and the day
that presently passed.

-A dream that is yet to happen.(2022)


I like you ༄

You can reach me
when I float on ceilings,
when I sink into the sea.

And you sit there, calm,
reminding me
that when I’m done,
you’ll still be here.

I light you,
and the world doesn’t burn.

I pray for the return—
not of the idea of normal,
but of my mind, whose stuck

on airplane mode,
while my body has landed.

You burn.
Slowly, I wake
from my slumber,
forgiving myself
for being
not. so. me.

I wasn’t perfect.
But no one asked me to be.

I pray for the loved ones
who’ve passed.
I can still hear their whispers
as I chase my dreams.

The sick become loss,
hate can be fought,
pain can be swept away—
under the stroke of a match,
the glow of a joss stick.

You are constant.
You are a ritual.


*Mama can bring you flowers,
offerings of your favorite foods,
and I can make you an iced coffee.

I still won’t know you.
But I can imagine
who you were,
when you were here.

And maybe you’re proud—
that I have  finally
slowed down
enough to catch up—
to me.*

-A prayer (2021)


The Rest of Yesterday ★ 2020

The poem, "The Rest of Yesterday", is a reminisce on my time in Vietnam. The flow mimics a lullaby, which includes the Vietnamese language, onomatopoeia, and an index for translations of the Vietnamese words used. The poem is based off of all five senses the audience can imagine and become familiar to Vietnam even if they have never seen it or been there before. I paint a scenery from morning to night, and recreate the environment of Vietnam and my favourite things from my trip.

I use the storytelling concept of the lullaby to evoke the idea of Diaspora and my connection to Vietnam; as a dream and the actions of reminiscing.

The lullaby itself is a traditional method of the mother passing down folklore and song to her child. Reflecting on my own journey; this would be an amazing project to pass down to future generations.

When recreating it as a children's book format I use the accordion fold method so that when the audience folds out the entire book, it becomes one big landscape of Vietnam. Emphasizing on how far away Vietnam is, and how it's out of my reach. 

(monsoon, kneez 2020 ︎ audio clips from 🇻🇳 mixed with instrumentals via Garage Band + Arcade)

The Rest of Yesterday ☆ A Lullaby

Việt Nam Ơi,
I miss you very much
I think of you, every day
But you are so so far away

So I’ll see you in my dreams,
And when you come to me...

I smell cà phê sữa đá,
that drips and drops
there’s a fresh,
cold cup of coffee
to wake me up.

As the sun rises
the country does too,
I found peace,
and bliss with you.

Do you feel that warmth?
it coats your skin
just as much as
The Vietnamese grins! :)
In the noon, auntie cooks me
a hot bowl of phở,
and offers fruits like;
chôm chôm, măng cụt,and dừa

On the back of a Moped,
I’ll hold on to you tightly,
We rush through busy streets,
constant *hONk-HoONKss*
and *beEEep-BEEePs*

My dear Việt Nam,
A monsoon weeps for you,
It comes crashing down roads
humidity steeps in blue,

As the sunsets
ever so slightly,
The moon cools
Việt Nam, forever nightly.

As I drift back in bed,
I’ll say cảm ơn instead
for letting me be
my most complete, me.

Dậy đi em, it was just a dream.


cà phê sữa đá:
vietnamese iced coffee

phở: vietnamese noodle soup

chôm chôm: rambutan

măng cụt: mangosteen

dừa: coconut

cảm ơn: thank you

Dậy đi em: wake up, babe

                                                                   “Hiểu Không?”✦

You're Human ❦ 2018

A children's book that is directed to young girls who are of the age of 9-13. The book includes illustrations and a poem that highlights what will happen to a young women’s body as they grow. Showing images of the natural body can help develop prideful thoughts about their own bodies, and what they might go through as an adolescent. The outcome is to make girls more prideful about themselves and possibly be more vain towards their natural bodies.

You’re Human❦ Poem

When you grow you'll notice some changes.

You’re gonna sprout some extra hair.
Over here down there and everywhere.

It's okay to leave it out,
that's what growing is all about!

Your body will feel stumpy,
clumpy and overall plumpy.

You’ll start getting red, pink and blue;
feeling a lot less like you.

Sometimes your body will dimple and crinkle;
It will etch, freckle, stretch and scar.

But that's what will make you different;
That’s what sets you apart.

Bodies comes in all shapes and sizes,
Making the best surprises.

It's okay to be you,
in the imperfect body
you’ll grow into.

- You’re Human 2018

Last Weekend I Went to Walmart 2017

A poem turned zine about the ridiculous items you can purchase at Walmart. Some items include coloured ketchup, black scented toilet paper and bacon pillow covers. This 12 page zine is screen printed on bond paper, with just yellow and blue inks. Currently sold out.

Last Weekend I Went to Walmart ︎Poem

Rollback prices,
I bought more than I expected.

Bacon pillows,
The taste should be in my dreams too.

Black, scented toilet paper,
The need to smell after you wipe.

Pickle flavored popsicles,
Relish isn’t sweet enough.

A set of gangster gnomes,
To protect my side of the grass.

Coloured ketchup,
Red reminds me of blood.

A unicorn mask,
Halloween is every day.

I got home,
Unpacked the car with my purchases.

Mom read the receipt,
Her eyes rolled back.